Sunday, March 10, 2013

healthy eating for kids starting with breakfast

"When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said piglet at last, "What's the first thing you say to yourself?'
"What's for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?" 
"I say, I wonder whats going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet. 
-A.A. Milne

The most important meal of the day, is often the most missed..breakfast. Literally meaning break the fast-after 10-12 hours with no food, it is important to refuel our bodies. Kids who skip breakfast are more tired and have a harder time concentrating in school. Eating breakfast is a helpful motivator for metabolism. Not eating breakfast causes the body to go into a starvation mode-which later may cause difficulty maintaining a healthy weight. 

Some children, often teens, need to practice eating breakfast to get into a routine. There calories should be balanced with protein, some healthy fats, carbs, vitamins and minerals. Not everyone has time to cook 2 eggs, whole wheat toast and fruit. Some faster alternatives may be wholegrain low fat granola with 100% fruit juice or a hard boiled egg with wholegrain toast or PB & J on whole wheat.

Unfortunately America has a severe issue on its hands with increasing childhood obesity, diabetes and other food related dis-eases. To combat these statistics-we must change the way we eat and it is important to start at home with our children. If eating healthier is a new adventure for you and your family-small steps! Add in healthy foods-don't try to remove everything all at once-that will be pure torture. introduce new healthy options slowly and weed out slowly!

Here are my top tips!

1. Be a good role model-we need to start by reading labels, and stop lining our cabinets with processed foods. Have more whole natural foods available to eat. Cook more at home, decrease eating out at fast food restaurants. If you do eat fast food-don't super size your kids!!

2. Bring the kids shopping-not just to grocery stores but to farmers markets-have them meet the farmers as well, allow them to pick out fruits and veggies they want to try!

3. Get them in the kitchen-have your children participate in preparing the food-washing produce, assisting in making salad and older ones can help with cooking. Have them help set the table and assist with dishes after dinner.

4. Get them in the garden-teach them about growing produce, have them plant, take care of the plants and help at harvest time. They get to grow it and then eat their rewards! How cool is that?

5. Teach them eating in moderation-eating healthy food and ending with a cookie for desert is OK!
6. Accept your body and your child's body at any weight-teach them its not about looking a certain way its about being healthy-maintain positive attitudes-be a good role model in regard to sensible eating, exercise and self acceptance-this is huge in the prevention of eating disorders!

Happy Eating!!

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